QuickTip Series #3


Display the application version within the app.


Simply access the main bundle info dictionary with Bundle.main.infoDictionary. You can print this array and see all the information specified in your info.plist.

Pod: AABlurAlertController

As often my work is done for companies or personal projects, I don’t often end up sharing what I do.

So from time to time, I like to take a moment to create a pod out of some code that I wrote for something else.

QuickTip Series #2

Hello guys,
No introduction needed! Let’s go straight for our quick tip number 2.


Debug the view controllers hierarchy in the console as sometimes the Xcode UI Debugger can’t give us what we are looking for

QuickTip Series #1

Hello there,
I’m so excited to start this Quicktip series today. The goal of this serie of articles is to give you some tips in a short, precise and consise way. So enough talk and let’s get started.


The idea is to be able to have different podfile configurations based on the current environnement.


Welcome to my blog.

I always had notes about projects, tech stuff, ideas and so on. But they were always private and only accessible to me. It was like my personal journal. And now I decided to simply share that with who may be interested :)

Hope you’ll like it.